Sunday, August 28, 2011

Football Season

If I have one passion, it would have to be sports. I love sports, the competitiveness, the energy, the excitement, and of course your favorite team. I love everything about sports and I follow most.

Football would have to be my favorite. And its time! High School, College, Pro, it does not matter I have a team for each! The contact of playing football, the hard hits, but at the same time the athletes who are able to bust through those tackles and score, this is what makes the game.

I have Bengal fever. I am still not sure if it's something you should want or run from as fast as you can. I am one of those fans that say every year that they will be good and have that in my heart until about half-way through the season. I hope they will be good this year, I hope they make it to the playoffs, and I hope they win the Super Bowl. People have a nickname for my team they call them, The Bungles. Bungle is a verb, it means, to clumsily or incompetently carry out a task, leading to failure. Thus why they have obtained this nickname. We loyal fans have true pride.

Gabe. My cousin Gabe is amazingly talented at football. He had a game on thursday as a freshman who attends Jackson High School. He had a very successful game. He scored 30 of the 38 points having 5 touchdowns. He is a running back and one of the most talented I have seen. You can take it for what its worth. You can think I am saying this because he is family, but he is GOOD. He still has to develop, he is only a freshman at 14, give him three more years to gain weight and build muscle and he will be able to measure up more evenly to the kids on varsity that are bigger than him. And WE ARE...THE IRONMEN


Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Start of My Journey

So, my family is the best! I could never ask for anything better. We are a CRAZY, fun and definitely an awesome family! We are typical in the fact that we have different points of views, we sometimes fight, but we will always love each other! We are a family that focuses on love within the home and how families are truly for time and eternity. My mom is the sweetest person you will ever meet and is always there to pick me up. My dad is the helper and creator. If you need help or something fixed he is the guy to go to when he is not working, which he does a lot to support us! My older sister is married, and has the cutest little boy ever! Her husband is okay too. haha Then there is the little sister, the work-a-holic! She loves having a job and some money to do as she wants. She is currently going to school to be a beautician. This is the start of my blog and the family that has started me on these crazy adventures, and that will endure them and love them throughout life!

Starting a Blog

This is the first run at having a blog. I am terrible at keeping a journal and keeping track of my days, they just seem to run together. I love taking pictures and I love quotes, so i hope i can incorporate these two aspects of my life and stay a little more organized on whats happening and has happened! Wish Me Luck!