Tuesday, March 20, 2012

~Winter Semester 2012~

Where do I begin to tell of this semester. This semester has been crazy, busy, fun, an adventure, up and down, exciting, and an ADVENTURE! Tonight we had the opportunity to participate in a talent show! We did a midget dance show. I would upload the video but I do not personally have a copy. It was so much fun! We did it with our FHE sisters Alex B., Jamie A., Abby and Ashlan W. My roommates and I had a ball doing it and watching a copy of it made me laugh so hard! We were everywhere.

This weekend my sister Alicia had another baby. Mckenna Danielle O was born on the 17th at a healthy weight of 8 lbs 6 oz I believe. She is a healthy happy baby and the daughter of two of the best people I know!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Here lately I have been looking at my friends I do have and how we act. My Roommates here at BYU-I are like my brothers. They are the greatest guys I know and am grateful to have this support group. I have been watching some classic TV shows like Friends and That 70's Show and can't decide which TV show relates most to us. While we are not smoking pot we do tend to do the same thing every week and sit around our apartment with our same group of guys and girls.

The show Friends shows our friendship as well. Through thick and thin we will always be there for each other! We often wish our life was just as funny as friends or  as crazy, but if we stop to look around it is! My Life is a Crazy Adventure I would never trade for anything. I often look back and laugh at moments that have happened to me in my life and I think, this is way funnier than anything on TV and it could never be scripted.

I have some of the best friends you could ever ask for! I have K.E. who is one of my best friends. While she is a bit older than me and has a family, we still talk quite a bit and she helps when I need it. She is one of my greatest inspirations to being a Special Education teacher. If it were not for her I don't know what I would be studying in College.

I have four brothers, none of them by birth. A.B., C.C., T.C. and T.L. are my boys. They have helped me out more than anyone else has. They have been there for me through thick and thin. If I need anything I can go to one of these guys and they will help me out when I need it most.

So in reality, I have friends better than what others could create or even begin to imagine. We could never ask for anything more or any better friends.

As for new friends, i am always ready to meet new people and talk to as many people as I can. If you would like to be friends, talk to me. If you don't I will probably approach you at your job or somewhere else. I love carrying on pointless conversations and always aim to brighten someone's day.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Thus another semester has begun and so has another Rec sports league! I am on another futsol team for the second year in a row and the same group of guys for the second semester in a row! Our team name Hot Koolaid is like our trademark. We had this name in outdoor soccer!

I play goalkeeper and I LOVE it! One of the many loves of my life and inspirations is Hope Solo! The USA Women's Olympic goalkeeper! She is the best female goalkeeper in the world! She led the Women to a silver medal along side Abbey Wombat and the rest of the team! Hopefully our team can see success this season as we try to win the Rec Championships!

Monday, January 16, 2012


I have officially begun my second year at Brigham Young University Idaho! I have recently adjusted my studies to Early Childhood Special Education! After working at Hope Haven for five months, I could no longer see myself working with any other type of kids, or doing another job! I love the kids I worked with and hope that I can work with students as great as them for the rest of my working life!

BYU-Idaho has changed my life! It is amazing to be a part of such a unified student body! All unified under the belief that our father in heaven loves us and that through Christ we can be saved! I miss being home and miss my family and friends but could not see myself at another university! As I continue my studies here I hope that my faith and knowledge will continue to grow!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hope Heaven....Not Hope Haven

So i recently started work at a school for learning disabled children in my hometown called Hope Haven. It's crazy but exciting, stressful but fun, chaotic but I wouldn't have it any other way!

These children that i work with inspire me so much! They have had a difficult life, but are always smiling laughing and having a blast at school each day!

The opportunity to work here scared me at first. Either your cut out for it or your not, either you can do a job like this one or you can't. There really is no middle man!

Every day i work 10 hours with a single student. He test my patience but i love him.  I am completely jealous of him to be honest, when the Lord talked of the great ones and the ones he chose before the world was created he talked about these individuals. They were chosen before they were born! I am so greatful for the opportunity i have to work with kids in the circumstance they are in!

I work at Hope Heaven

Monday, September 5, 2011

Moving Day

So it seems every time I turn around, I am either moving or helping someone else move. We are currently trying to sell our helped house and I just helped my aunt and uncle move back from Texas to Ohio. We drove about twenty - two hours in a course of two days. Talk about an adventure.

I have lived in the same town my entire life but definitely  not the same house! We have moved like 12 times in the same town and once we moved two houses down. I love change and experiencing new things and I guess we do that through moving or maybe that's how I developed this love!

I have never been in a home long than three years until this last home. We have been in this home for ten years. We are finally moving!

If you need help moving let me know I'm a pro. haha

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Football Season

If I have one passion, it would have to be sports. I love sports, the competitiveness, the energy, the excitement, and of course your favorite team. I love everything about sports and I follow most.

Football would have to be my favorite. And its time! High School, College, Pro, it does not matter I have a team for each! The contact of playing football, the hard hits, but at the same time the athletes who are able to bust through those tackles and score, this is what makes the game.

I have Bengal fever. I am still not sure if it's something you should want or run from as fast as you can. I am one of those fans that say every year that they will be good and have that in my heart until about half-way through the season. I hope they will be good this year, I hope they make it to the playoffs, and I hope they win the Super Bowl. People have a nickname for my team they call them, The Bungles. Bungle is a verb, it means, to clumsily or incompetently carry out a task, leading to failure. Thus why they have obtained this nickname. We loyal fans have true pride.

Gabe. My cousin Gabe is amazingly talented at football. He had a game on thursday as a freshman who attends Jackson High School. He had a very successful game. He scored 30 of the 38 points having 5 touchdowns. He is a running back and one of the most talented I have seen. You can take it for what its worth. You can think I am saying this because he is family, but he is GOOD. He still has to develop, he is only a freshman at 14, give him three more years to gain weight and build muscle and he will be able to measure up more evenly to the kids on varsity that are bigger than him. And WE ARE...THE IRONMEN