Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hope Heaven....Not Hope Haven

So i recently started work at a school for learning disabled children in my hometown called Hope Haven. It's crazy but exciting, stressful but fun, chaotic but I wouldn't have it any other way!

These children that i work with inspire me so much! They have had a difficult life, but are always smiling laughing and having a blast at school each day!

The opportunity to work here scared me at first. Either your cut out for it or your not, either you can do a job like this one or you can't. There really is no middle man!

Every day i work 10 hours with a single student. He test my patience but i love him.  I am completely jealous of him to be honest, when the Lord talked of the great ones and the ones he chose before the world was created he talked about these individuals. They were chosen before they were born! I am so greatful for the opportunity i have to work with kids in the circumstance they are in!

I work at Hope Heaven